Let Heffernan Water Resolve Your Water Problems!
Hard Water

You know you have hard water when you still feel the presence of something on your skin after you shower or wash your hands. The feeling has been described as slimy, sticky and scaly. This means more soap used while cleaning, dryer skin after washing, and more scale buildup across your home, which you’ll notice in places everywhere from your water pipes to your kitchen faucet.
Iron & Rust

Iron is everywhere and makes up 5 percent of the earth’s crust. But it shouldn’t be in your water. You can tell it’s there if it has a metallic taste and smell. If you notice rust-like stains on your drains and water-using appliances, iron is most likely the culprit
Water Contaminants

If you are concerned with water contaminants such as lead, nitrates, arsenic, PFAs, pharmaceuticals or many others, our professionals will put you at ease. We will design a custom solution to fit your needs and give you peace of mind.
Hydrogen Sulfide (Smelly Water)

Smell rotten eggs in your water? Hydrogen sulfide is most likely the culprit. This pungent gas arises from naturally decaying organic matter, like the remains of dead plants or animals and their waste products.
Bad Taste

Bad tasting water can be a thing of the past with Tri-County Water’s installed drinking water systems. Discreetly placed under your kitchen counter or in the basement, these systems remove harmful contaminants to deliver clean, refreshing water.
Pair an EcoWater System water refiner or softener with our reverse osmosis (RO) drinking water system for the ultimate solution. Our exclusive RO systems eliminate over 95% of dissolved solids, providing bottle-quality water right from your tap.

The Environmental Protection Agency allows certain levels of chlorine in water at city treatment centers so when the water reaches your home, it’s bacteria-free. Many of these facilities use chloramines, which are a combination of chlorine and ammonia. However, too much of this contaminant can make your water smell and taste unappealing. It can also irritate your eyes and skin, especially for those suffering from eczema. The best solution for removing chloramines is finding a water filtration system that works for your home.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals that are resistant to heat, water, and oil. They are also known as "forever chemicals" because they do not break down easily.”

Arsenic water contamination is dangerous for a variety of reasons. This chemical is odorless and tasteless. It’s also a human carcinogen and can kill you. Arsenic appears naturally in soil, air, and plants and animals.